Two-in-One Ladder

TIO is a dual-purpose ladder, which functions both as an A-type ladder and transforms into a single pole/straight ladder. As a multi-use ladder, it is ideal for use across industries and even in domestic settings.

Product Code: TIO

Product Features:

  • Oval steps prevent discomfort as caused by round rungs and allow greater productivity

  • Latch allows double lock in straight mode; hinge provides safe locking in A-mode

  • Smooth edged finishing prevents bodily harm

  • Facilitates access to heights when in straight mode or offers ability to carry out work in A-mode

Table of Measurements:
Technical features are indicative and can be modified without prior notice

The number of steps mentioned includes the top step, although one must not stand/work on this step.

The number of steps mentioned includes the top step, although one must not stand/work on this step.

Product Applications:

Generally used when straight access or as A-type long duration works are required:

  • Construction

  • Stores

  • DIY