Compact Stool Ladder

Product Code: CSL

Heavy duty stepping ladder, for industrial use and longer duration work. Large steps for ease of use are all uniform including top step. Design allows ladder to be folded in a unique way, saving storage and transport costs.

Product Features:

  • Model features steps which have wide depth and width, offering comfortable stepping and standing surfaces

  • Compact Stool model is compact and saves storage space

  • Non-slip ribbed steps at 45 degree angle, promoting a comfortable descent

  • Guardrail provided for safety whilst user stands on top step, is foldable and can be removed

  • Optional items include wheels (fixed), carrying handle and rubber padding

Product Applications:

Applicable for:

  • Workshops

  • Low height access area

  • Repetitive Material access

Table of Measurements:
Technical features are indicative and can be modified without prior notice